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Happy Faces, Lasting Impact Fundraiser

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our latest fundraising campaign, a heartfelt initiative aimed at supporting the incredible work of the Caritas Felices Children's Shelter, a beacon of hope for those in need. As we embark on this journey, we invite each of you to join us in a collective effort to make a significant impact.

Why We Chose Caritas Felices

Caritas Felices has been a cornerstone in our community, providing essential services and support to the most vulnerable. Their commitment to caring for individuals and families in distress inspires us every day. It's for this reason we've dedicated our fundraising efforts to aid their mission, ensuring they can continue their vital work and expand their reach to help even more people.

Goals of the Campaign

Our goal is simple yet ambitious: to raise $5,390 by May 21st, 2024. These funds will go directly towards staffing the shelter with a full-time caretaker and a part-time support staff. By meeting our target, we can help Caritas Felices secure the necessary resources to sustain and enhance their programs throughout the year.

How You Can Help

Getting involved couldn't be easier and every little bit helps:

  • Donate: Every donation, big or small, makes a difference. To donate, simply comment "mirave" on our social media posts, and we'll send you a link to the donation page.

  • Spread the Word: Share our campaign with your family, friends, and on social media. The more people know about our efforts, the bigger the impact we can make.

  • Volunteer: Caritas Felices is always looking for passionate volunteers. If you're local to Lurin, Lima Peru and wish to get involved directly, reach out to see how you can help.

The Impact of Your Donation

This campaign represents more than just fundraising; it's about community, compassion, and collective action. By supporting Caritas Felices, you are not just donating to a cause; you are investing in the betterment of lives and the strengthening of our community.

Join us today. Let’s make a difference together. Together, we can make our world better every day.

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